Friday, June 2, 2023

Comparing Programming Languages Part 1 Scalar Ranges


It is often asserted that all general purpose programming languages can solve the same set of problems. This means that no one programming language has functional advantages over any other programming language.

That assertion is only mostly true, which means it is false.

For example, weakly typed languages can perform and make use of implicit type conversions while strongly typed languages cannot. Strongly typed languages must employ explicit conversions to achieve a similar effect.

The purpose of this article is to begin discussing some of the things that are difficult in one commonly used language and relatively easy in another.

Scalar Ranges

Programming languages derived from Pascal syntax allow scalar types and subtypes to be defined by the programmer, while programming languages derived from C syntax do not allow the programmer to define scalar types or subtypes.

In C++, for example, a class must be declared encapsulating the behavior of a scalar type with a programmer specified range of values. Making a subtype of that class then requires the creation of an inherited class expressing the restrictions distinguishing the subtype.

In C++ enums are encapsulated in a class as illustrated by the following Stack Overflow issue:

How can I implicitly convert an enum to its subset and vice versa in C++?

More precisely, the feature I want is like implicitly convert an enum to its subset enum and vice versa.

The code I wish it working:

enum class Human {

    A = 1,

    B = 2,



enum class Male {    // subset of Human

    A = Human::A,



enum class Female {    // subset of Human

    B = Human::B,




// some functions can handle all humans

void human_func(Human h) {

    // ...



// some only take a subset of humans

void male_func(Male m) {

    // ...



void female_func(Female m) {

    // ...




// and user only uses values of Human as token

constexpr auto SOMEONE = Human::A;


int main() {

    human_func(SOMEONE);  // ok

    male_func(SOMEONE);   // also ok, Human::A implicitly converted to Male

    female_func(SOMEONE); // failed, can't convert Human::A to Female.



But enum cannot do the conversion. Now I have two options:

// 1. static_assert with template parameter
template <Human H>
void female_func() {
    static_assert(H == Human::B);
    // ...
// 2. manually convert it
#define _ENUM_TO_ENUM(e1, e2) \
void female_func(_ENUM_TO_ENUM(SOMEONE, Female)) {
    // But this way the compiler does not check if the value is valid.
    // I can put anything in.
    // ...



As is shown above, the concept of a scalar range and subrange is complicated by the need in C++ to express such a type as a class.

One answer provided to this question is

enum class Gender {MALE, FEMALE};
struct Human
    Gender m_gender;
    Human(Gender g) : m_gender{g}
    virtual ~Human() = default;
struct Man : public Human
    Man() : Human{Gender::MALE}
struct Woman : public Human
    Woman() : Human(Gender::FEMALE)


void human_func(const Human & h)
void man_func(const Man & m)
void woman_func(const Woman & w)


It is clear that this approach may work for an enum with 2 values, but becomes unusable with an enum containing tens or hundreds of values.

The Ada programming language, on the other hand, uses the concept of scalar ranges and subtypes extensively.

The Character type in Ada is an enumeration type with the range of values expressed as nul .. 'ΓΏ'. The ASCII characters are a subset of the Character type with value in the range of nul .. del. Within the ASCII characters the upper case characters are the range ‘A’ .. ‘Z’ and the lower characters are the range ‘a’ .. ‘z’.

If the programmer wants to pass only upper case characters as a parameter to a procedure the procedure can be defined as

subtype Upper is range (‘A’ .. ‘Z’);

procedure Upper_Action(U : Upper);

This procedure will only accept characters in the range specified by the subtype Upper.

A function that counts all the upper case characters in a string can be defined as

function Count_Uppers (S : in String) return Natural is

   Count : Natural := 0;


   for value of S loop

      if S in Upper then

         Count := Count + 1;

      end if;

    return Count;

end Count_Uppers;

The Ada samples above exhibit the behavior and usage requested by the person using C++ in the Stack Overflow question above.

The Ada program is not encumbered with the heavy syntax and rules associated with C++ classes.

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