Comparing Sleeping Barber Implementations in Java and Ada
Sleeping Barber Problem Implemented in Ada and Java. The Java implementation is taken from Java Sleeping Barber. Problem Description: Simulate a barber shop with one barber, one barber chair and a waiting room with N chairs for waiting customers. When the barber finishes cutting the hair of one customer he dismisses the customer and goes to the waiting room to see if another customer is waiting. If the customer is waiting the barber cuts the customer's hair. If no customers are waiting the barber goes to sleep on the barber chair. The next customer to arrive must awaken the barber. If all waiting room chairs are full when a new customer arrives that arriving customer will leave the barbershop. If the barbershop is closed all arriving customers will leave the barbershop. The barber will cut the hair of all customers already in a chair when the barbershop closes. In these examples there are 4 chairs in the Barber Shop waiting room. ...