Parallel Addition Revisited
In an earlier article I discussed aspects of parallel
addition of elements of an array. A more general problem would be to sum a set
of numbers from a collection of numbers. The collection cannot be simply an
arbitrary unending stream of numbers, because a sum of such a stream could
never be completed. Instead, it must be some discrete sample size of numbers.
Furthermore, the sample size cannot be zero. There must be at least one number
in the sample or no sum is possible.
The following example collects a sample of numbers into a
queue and then uses concurrent tasks to perform pair-wise addition of the queue
elements. Each result of pair-wise addition is placed back on the queue.
Eventually, given a discrete number of items in the queue, the queue will be
left containing only one value. That value will be the total of all the
operations on the set of numbers. This approach works because addition is
commutative. The order the numbers are added is irrelevant to the solution.
Parallel Addition In Ada
The following source code accomplishes this more general parallel addition capability.
The key to the operation of the program is the protected object Queue, which contains the list of numbers shared by all the parallel tasks.
Each task performing addition calls the entry Get_Two, which dequeues two integers from the Queue object. The task then adds the two integers and calls the procedure Enqueue to place the result on the Queue object.
-- Parallel
Addition Package --
with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists;
package Parallel_Addition
Package Int_Queue is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists(Integer);
use Int_Queue;
protected Queue is
Entry Get_Two(Item1, Item2 : out Integer);
Entry Dequeue(Item : out Integer);
Procedure Enqueue(Item : in Integer);
Procedure Clear;
Function Count return Integer;
Nums : Int_Queue.List;
end Queue;
task type Adder;
end Parallel_Addition;
Inner workings of the Parallel_Addition package
with Ada.Containers; use Ada.Containers;
package body Parallel_Addition
-- Queue --
-- The Queue protected object treats its
internal list as a queue.--
-- All data is read from the head of the
list and new data is --
-- appended to the end of the list.
Reading data from the head --
-- also deletes that data from the queue. --
-- The Count function reports the number
of tasks waiting in the --
-- entry queue for the Get_Two entry. --
-- The Clear procedure empties the
internal list of its contents. --
protected body Queue is
-- Get_Two --
entry Get_Two (Item1, Item2 : out Integer) when Nums.Length > 1 is
Item1 := Nums.First_Element;
end Get_Two;
-- Dequeue --
entry Dequeue (Item : out Integer) when Nums.Length > 0 is
Item := Nums.First_Element;
end Dequeue;
-- Enqueue --
procedure Enqueue (Item : in Integer) is
end Enqueue;
-- Count --
function Count return Integer is
Return Get_Two'Count;
end Count;
-- Clear --
procedure Clear is
end Clear;
end Queue;
-- Adder --
-- Each Adder task simply calls Get_Two to
dequeue two values from --
-- the queue. It then enqueues the sum of
those two values back --
-- on the queue. The queue will contain
the final sum when it --
-- contains only a single value and no
tasks are holding the lock --
-- for the Get_Two entry. --
task body Adder is
Value1, Value2 : Integer;
Queue.Get_Two(Value1, Value2);
Queue.Enqueue(Value1 + Value2);
end loop;
end Adder;
end Parallel_Addition;
A test driver for the Parallel_Addition package
The test driver performs the addition 20 times. This is done to reveal any race conditions that might exist in the code. For each iteration of the test the Queue is cleared and the numbers are Enqueued into the Queue object. The test driver then polls the Queue.Count function to determine when all the Adder tasks are once again suspended in the Get_Two entry queue. That event indicates there is only one value left in the Queue, which is our total. That final value is Dequeued and displayed.
After the 20 iterations all the Adder tasks are aborted and the program ends in an orderly manner.
-- Parallel
Addition Main Program --
-- --
-- This
program uses a task pool contained in the array named --
-- workers.
The task pool is reused for multiple iterations. --
-- The tasks
are aborted at the end of the program. --
with Parallel_Addition; use Parallel_Addition;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Task_Identification; use Ada.Task_Identification;
procedure Parallel_Addition_Main
subtype The_Nums is Integer range -600..601;
Workers : array(1..3) of Adder;
Total : Integer;
for I in 1..20 loop
Put(I'Img & " ");
for I in The_Nums'Range loop
end loop;
exit when Queue.Count = Workers'Length;
end loop;
Put_Line("The total
of the series of numbers from " &
The_Nums'First'Img & " to
" &
The_Nums'Last'Img & " is
" &
end loop;
for Worker of Workers loop
end loop;
end Parallel_Addition_Main;
Program output
1 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
2 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
3 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
4 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
5 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
6 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
7 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
8 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
9 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
10 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
11 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
12 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
13 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
14 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
15 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
16 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
17 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
18 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
19 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
20 The total of the series of numbers from
-600 to 601 is 601
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