Comparison of Simple Matrix Code in C and Ada
A matrix is a two dimensional array of elements. Matrices
are commonly used to represent spread sheets or tables of information. A square
matrix is a matrix with the same number of rows and columns. A square matrix is
said to be symmetric if the transpose of the matrix is equal to the original
matrix. Only square matrices can be symmetric.
The website
provides an example of a C program to determine if a square matrix input by the
user is symmetric or not. The source code for the C program can be viewed
through the link shown above.
Remarks concerning
the C code
The code works very well within limits. The limits of its
proper behavior are defined by the declaration of the arrays found on line 7 of
the C source code.
int c, d, a[10][10],
b[10][10], n, temp;
Two matrices are declared. Both matrices have a dimension of
10. While 10 may be a useful arbitrary dimension for an example, this approach
exposes the program to possible buffer overflow. The obvious way to avoid such
buffer overflow in C is to dynamically allocate the two matrices after
inputting the matrix dimension from the user. The downside of using dynamically
allocated matrices is the need to also explicitly use pointers. Specifically,
the line quoted above would need to be changed to the following.
int c, d, **a, **b, n, temp;
This section of the StudyTonight web site is trying to
concentrate on arrays without exposing their relationship to pointers in C.
Similarly, I suspect the example does not define a function
to display the matrices because of the need to pass the matrix as an int **.
Functionally comparable
Ada code
Following is Ada code which performs the same actions as the
C code while avoiding any exposure to buffer overflow and also avoiding
complicated pointer notation.
Ada arrays are first class types. This is true no matter how
many dimensions an array contains.
-- Square
Matrix Symmetry
Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;
Symmetric_Matrix is
type Matrix is array(Positive range
<>, Positive range <>) of Integer;
procedure Print(M : Matrix) is
for Row in M'Range(1) loop
for Col in M'Range(2) loop
Put(M(Row, Col)'Image &
" ");
end loop;
end loop;
end Print;
Dimension : Positive;
Put_Line("Enter the dimension of the
matrix: ");
A : Matrix(1..Dimension, 1..Dimension);
B : Matrix(1..Dimension, 1..Dimension);
Put_Line("Enter the" &
Positive'Image(Dimension * Dimension) &
" elements of the
for Value of A loop
end loop;
-- find the transpose of A and store it
in B
for Row in A'Range(1) loop
for Col in A'Range(2) loop
B(Col, Row) := A(Row, Col);
end loop;
end loop;
-- print matrix A
Put_Line("The original matrix
-- print the transpose of A
Put_Line("The transpose matrix
-- Checking if the original matrix is
the same as its transpose
if A = B then
Put_Line("The matrix is
Put_Line("The matrix is not
end if;
Remarks concerning
the Ada code
A Matrix type is defined as an unconstrained two dimensional
array with each index of the subtype Positive. Each element of type Matrix is
an Integer. Use of an unconstrained array type allows the program to create
instances of Matrix containing exactly the number of elements specified by the
user input.
Every Ada array has several attributes which are always
available to the programmer. This program uses the ‘Range attribute which
evaluates to the range of index values for the array. Since Matrix is a
two-dimensional array there are two range attributes. ‘Range(1) evaluates to
the index values for the first dimension of the array. ‘Range(2) evaluates to
the index values for the second dimension of the array. The procedure Print has
a single parameter M, which is an instance of type Matrix. Since Matrix is an
unconstrained type the parameter M may correspond to any instance of Matrix, no
matter what the sizes of the dimensions may be.
The “declare” block inside the Ada program allows the
definition of Matrix A and Matrix B according to the user input all allocated
from the program stack rather than from the heap, thus avoiding the use of
pointers or their Ada analogs called access types.
The input loop used to fill Matrix A is an iterator loop.
The loop parameter Value references each value in Matrix A in sequence.
Ada implicitly provides equality testing for array
instances. In this program we simply compare Matrix A with Matrix B. If they
are equal then Matrix A is symmetric, otherwise Matrix A is not symmetric.
The output of a representative execution of this program is:
Enter the dimension of the
Enter the 9 elements of the
1 7 3 7 5 -5 3 -5 6
The original matrix is:
7 3
7 5
3 -5
The transpose matrix is:
7 3
7 5
3 -5
The matrix is symmetric.
The Ada solution is somewhat simpler than the C solution
while also being more secure. If the user chooses to specify a matrix with a
dimension greater than 10 using the C version the variable ‘n’ will be
overwritten with possibly catastrophic effects on the correctness of the
program. The Ada program suffers no such security flaws.
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