Is Ada truly verbose?
People who prefer programming language syntax derived from
the C language have often argued that the Ada language is verbose because it
uses entire words rather than punctuation.
Meaning |
C Syntax |
Ada Syntax |
Begin a block |
{ |
begin, loop |
End a block |
} |
end, end if, end loop, end subprogram
name, end task name, end protected object name, end record |
Declare a function taking a single
integer parameter and returning an integer value |
int foo (int x); |
function foo (x : integer) return
integer; |
Declare a 10 element integer array
indexed with the values 0 through 9 |
int a [10]; |
a : array (0..9) of integer; |
Write a “for” loop to sum all the elements in array a declared above. |
for (int I = 0; I < 10; i++) sum += a [i]; } |
for I in a’range loop sum := sum + a (i); end loop; |
Of course, not everything in Ada takes more lines of code or
more typing than the equivalent program in C or C++. For instance, the
following C++ program is taken from the CodesCracker website. Its purpose is to
convert a user input of a hexadecimal value into the corresponding decimal
/* C++ Program - Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion */ #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> unsigned long convtodecnum(char hex[]); void main() { clrscr(); unsigned long decnum; char hex[9]; // 8 characters for 32-bit Hexadecimal Number and one for ' ' cout<<" Enter 32-bit
Hexadecimal Number : "; cin>>hex; decnum = convtodecnum(hex); cout<<"Value in Decimal Number is "<<decnum<<"\n"; getch(); } unsigned long
convtodecnum(char hex[]) { char *hexstr; int length = 0; const int base = 16; // Base of Hexadecimal Number unsigned long decnum = 0; int i; // Now Find the length of Hexadecimal
Number for (hexstr = hex; *hexstr != '\0';
hexstr++) { length++; } // Now Find Hexadecimal Number hexstr = hex; for (i = 0; *hexstr != '\0' && i
< length; i++, hexstr++) { // Compare *hexstr with ASCII values if (*hexstr >= 48 && *hexstr
<= 57) // is *hexstr Between 0-9 {
decnum += (((int)(*hexstr)) - 48) * pow(base, length - i - 1); } else if ((*hexstr >= 65 &&
*hexstr <= 70)) // is *hexstr
Between A-F {
decnum += (((int)(*hexstr)) - 55) * pow(base, length - i - 1); } else if (*hexstr >= 97 &&
*hexstr <= 102) // is *hexstr
Between a-f {
decnum += (((int)(*hexstr)) - 87) * pow(base, length - i - 1); } else { cout<<"Invalid Hexadecimal Number \n"; } } return decnum; } |
An Ada program handling the same input and results in the
same output is:
-- Convert Hexadecimal string to decimal value with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is type Unsigned_Long is mod 2**32; Decimal : Unsigned_Long; begin Put ("Enter a 32 bit hexadecimal number: "); Decimal := Unsigned_Long'Value ("16#" & Get_Line & "#"); Put_Line (Decimal'Image); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Input value is not a
valid 32 bit hexadecimal number."); end Main; |
Ada has the built-in capability to handle literal numbers
represented by base 2 through base 16. The base 16 value FF is represented as
16#FF#. Ada accepts either upper or lower case representation of the
hexadecimal values A through F. The program simply appends the 16# to the
entered hexadecimal digits and then appends # to the end of the string. The integer’value
built in attribute converts a string representation of an integer to its corresponding
integer value.
The message created in response to the exception
Constraint_Error is raised if the user enters a value more than 2^32 or if one
of the digits is not in the range of 0 through 9 or A through F.
In this case the Ada program appears to be far less verbose
than the C++ program.
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