Ada 2012 Static Predicates
1. Subtypes
Every Ada type is associated with a subtype. A subtype is a
subset of the base type, commonly with some restriction in the set of values
valid for the subtype. For instance, Ada provides a pre-defined type named
Integer. Integer is a signed type representing all the values in the range of
-2**31..2**31 – 1. Ada also provides two pre-defined subtypes of Integer:
Natural, which is an integer with a minimum value of 0, and Positive which is
an integer with a minimum value of 1. Every instance of Natural or Positive is
also an instance of Integer. This capability to define subtypes has been a part
of Ada since the first Ada language standard in 1983.
While this subtype capability has been very useful, it had
some restrictions. Subtype ranges were always restricted to contiguous ranges.
For instance, the syntax for defining the Natural subtype mentioned above is:
subtype Natural is Integer range 0..Integer’Last;
evaluates to the highest valid value defined for the type Integer.
2. Static Predicates
Ada 2012 added new capabilities to the definition of
subtypes. One of those capabilities is the definition of static predicates.
Static predicates allow the definition of statically defined non-contiguous
sets of values.
For instance, a subtype of the pre-defined type Character
can be defined to contain only the letters in the ASCII subset of Character:
subtype Letters is Character with Static_Predicate => ‘A’..’Z’
| ‘a’..’z’;
Notice that the subtype Letters contains two contiguous
ranges. One range includes the upper case letters and the other contains the
lower case letters. Similarly one can define a subtype with no contiguous
ranges of values such as:
subtype Vowels is Character with Static_Predicate => ‘A’ | ‘E’
| ‘I’ | ‘O’ | ‘U’ | ‘a’ | ‘e’ | ‘i’ | ‘o’ | ’u’;
2.1. Example
Following are two programs used to calculate the number of
vowels and consonants in a string read from standard input. The C code is taken
Both programs achieve the same goal with some problems in
the C code dealing with punctuation and tab characters.
2.1.1. C Code
* C program to read a sentence and count the total number of
* and consonants in the sentence.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char sentence[80];
int i, vowels = 0, consonants = 0, special = 0;
printf("Enter a sentence \n");
for (i = 0; sentence[i] != '\0'; i++)
if ((sentence[i] == 'a' || sentence[i] == 'e' || sentence[i] ==
'i' || sentence[i] == 'o' || sentence[i] == 'u') ||
(sentence[i] == 'A' || sentence[i] == 'E' || sentence[i] ==
'I' || sentence[i] == 'O' || sentence[i] == 'U'))
vowels = vowels + 1;
consonants = consonants + 1;
if (sentence[i] =='t' ||sentence[i] =='\0' || sentence[i] ==' ')
special = special + 1;
consonants = consonants - special;
printf("No. of vowels in %s = %d\n", sentence, vowels);
printf("No. of consonants in %s = %d\n", sentence, consonants);
2.1.2. Ada 2012 Code
Count the number of vowels and consonants in an input string
Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_Io;
Count_Letters is
Vowels is Character with
Static_Predicate => Vowels in
'A' | 'E' | 'I' | 'O' | 'U' | 'a' | 'e'
| 'i' | 'o' | 'u';
Letters is Character with
Static_Predicate => Letters in 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z';
: String(1..1024);
: Natural;
: Natural := 0;
Vowel_Count : Natural
:= 0;
Put("Enter phrase: ");
Get_Line(Msg, Length);
for Char of Msg(1..Length) loop
Char in Vowels then
Vowel_Count := Vowel_Count + 1;
Char in Letters then
Cons_Count := Cons_Count + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Put_Line('"' & Msg(1..Length) & '"' & "
contains" & Vowel_Count'Image &
" vowels and" &
Cons_Count'Image & " consonants.");
The subtypes Vowels and Letters are used to define sets of
values. The “if” statement tests each character of the input string for
membership in one set or the other. All characters not in either set, such as
spaces or punctuation, are not counted. Note that the C version of the program
counts all characters which are not vowels then subtracts specified non-letter
characters. The C code will actually count punctuation as consonants because it
does not include those characters in its list of special characters. On the
other hand the Ada code contains positive definitions of the characters to be
counted and only counts the specified characters. This ability to unambiguously
define the set of characters to count eliminates a set of errors hidden in the
C code.
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